Last updated – 2022-12-28

Welcome to Dralker!

This Acceptable Use Policy sets out rules to ensure good behaviour for the use of Dralker.

This Policy (as part of the Dralker Terms of Service) applies to anyone who uses Dralker. By using Dralker, you agree to this Policy. If you do not agree to this Policy, please do not use Dralker.

This Policy may be updated by us at any time at our sole discretion, in accordance with the Terms of Service.

Any defined terms used in this Policy will have the meaning given in this Policy or, if not defined in this Policy, the meaning given in the Drakjer Terms of Service.

If you have any questions about this Policy, please contact us using the details at the end of this Policy.


1.1. Introduction

Our aim for Dralker is that it will always make a positive impact on our users' lives, and that it will be a platform that benefits its users.

We are constantly looking to improve and innovate Dralker. Part of achieving this goal is ensuring that users can continue to use Dralker safely and that Dralker is used in an acceptable manner by all users. This Policy sets out rules to ensure good behaviour in the use of Dralker by users.

We are guided by continuous feedback from users and industry experts in developing this Policy, and we strive to ensure that this Policy is inclusive of diverse ideas, views and information. We are always open to receiving feedback from our users – if you wish to do so, please contact us using the details at the end of this Policy.

1.2. Enforcement and breach (or potential breach) of this Policy

Where you have (or we reasonably believe you have) breached this Policy, we may, at our discretion, do any or all of the following:

While we will aim to apply this Policy consistently across all jurisdictions, in some jurisdictions there may be specific requirements under applicable laws which necessitate differing applications of parts of this Policy. In addition, the laws applicable to Dralker are constantly evolving, so please remain alert to changes of laws and rules applicable to users in other jurisdictions.

If you wish to report another user who may have potentially breached this policy, please refer to Section 12 of this Policy for our contact details.

1.3. How do we apply this Policy?

We will act reasonably in applying this Policy and considering whether any content or behaviour breach this Policy. Please refer to the rest of this Policy for more information on what we consider to be content or behaviour that breaches this Policy.

We engage with our users and third-party experts from time to time, to ensure that this Policy continues to reflect our values and applicable laws and regulations, while ensuring that using Dralker remains a safe and fun experience for our users.

1.4 How we may detect harmful content

We develop and deploy automated processes to detect and prevent harmful content that breaches this Policy (including content that breaches any applicable laws or regulations) from entering, utilizing or remaining on Dralker, subject to our obligations under applicable laws (including international laws applicable to our affiliates’ services). We may refuse or remove any harmful content available on or transmitted through Dralker in breach of this Policy. You may contact us at policy@dralker.com if you have any questions on the actions taken in accordance with this Section 1.4.


We prohibit violent, criminal, illegal, or inappropriate content on Dralker.

In particular, we aim to ensure that any content which may (in our opinion) constitute a genuine risk of harm or direct threat to public safety are removed as soon as practicable.

In addition, any content that breaches any applicable laws or regulations will be removed as soon as practicable.

Such content or behaviour may include the following:

We also ban any organisations or persons who are involved in any of the above, including any related coordination or promotion.

Criminal and/or illegal activities in different jurisdictions may include:

Further details regarding various illegal activities that we prohibit on Dralker are set out in the remainder of this Policy.


We want to ensure that Dralker is a safe environment for all of our users.

To that end, we prohibit any content or behaviour relating to, depicting, promoting or encouraging participation in, or soliciting any of the following:


We are committed to protecting our users' privacy and private/confidential information and prohibit the sharing or publication of any such information without the relevant user's express consent or other legal basis. Such prohibited behaviours include:

In addition, we always treat and protect our users' personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy.


We prohibit objectionable content and behaviour on Dralker. We view objectionable content and behaviour as being any content or behaviour that is reasonably likely to cause upset and/or distress, either to the subject and/or to the public. This may include:


We aim to ensure that content and behaviour on Dralker remains authentic, by attempting to eliminate false news, disinformation, misinformation, false advertising, fraud and security breaches on Dralker.

To that end, we prohibit the following content:

Various jurisdictions have implemented laws in this area. We will comply with such laws where required to do so (including governmental requests and court orders made in accordance with such laws). For further information regarding how we deal with governmental requests, please see our Law Enforcement Data Request Guidelines and Governmental Request Policy.


7.1. General

We prohibit misuse of DRALKER. This includes:

7.2. Infringement of our rights and other technical disruption of Dralker

We prohibit any use of Dralker that infringes (or potentially infringes) on our rights, or otherwise is technically disruptive of Dralker. Such use may include the following:

7.3. Prohibited users

You may not register for or use Dralker if:


In various jurisdictions, certain goods and services may be illegal, or they may only be distributed and/or sold subject to qualifications and restrictions.

We acknowledge that different jurisdictions may treat various goods and services differently. This needs to be balanced against our aim of applying this Policy fairly and consistently for all users internationally.

Therefore, in some circumstances, we may entirely prohibit the sale or distribution of certain items. In other circumstances, we may permit such sale or distribution, subject to certain restrictions as issued by us (e.g., age or geographical limit). Such restrictions will take into account applicable laws and guidelines, and may be updated by us from time to time at our sole discretion.

Such items may include:

Further restrictions (and details regarding such restrictions) may be set out in other applicable terms and conditions.


We take intellectual property rights seriously, and always aim to ensure that Dralker complies with all applicable intellectual property rights-related laws and regulations. We may at any time remove any content that infringes upon a party's intellectual property and/or other proprietary rights.

Our treatment of intellectual property rights and other content is subject to:

In addition, we comply with the following requests (subject to applicable laws and in accordance with relevant Dralker policies):


10.1. We receive various requests from governmental authorities in relation to Dralker. Where such request is made:


11.1. We prohibit promotional political content on Dralker, where:

11.2. "Promotional political content" is any promotional content regarding:

In addition, we do not accept promotional political content from or paid for by a candidate for an election; a political party; or any elected or appointed government official.

11.3. Promotional political content may include the following:

11.4. We acknowledge that different jurisdictions have various laws governing promotional political content. We will comply with such laws where required to do so, including the maintenance of information regarding political advertisements and disclosure of such information to relevant regulatory authorities. In addition, governmental authorities may require the removal of promotional political content in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, and pursuant to our Governmental Request Policy.

11.5. We will continue to review this area, and will consider implementing country-specific or other restrictions or qualifications from time to time. We will notify our users where we implement such restrictions or qualifications.


Please contact us at policy@Dralker.com to report any breaches (or potential breaches) of this Policy, or if you have any other questions regarding this Policy.


If you are a user of Dralker who is subject to South Korean jurisdiction, the below additional terms: (i) are incorporated into this Policy; (ii) apply to your use of Dralker; and (iii) override the head terms of this Policy to the extent of any inconsistency.